What is a Household Travel Survey?
Household Travel Surveys help determine the amount of travel generated in an area by local residents. Participants use a smartphone app, website or other methods to record where, when, how and why they travel.
What is the purpose of the survey?
These surveys provide information about local travel patterns and needs. They help TxDOT and local transportation modelers make decisions about transportation projects that impact you and your community.
Why should I participate?
Many reasons. 1) You'll improve the roads you travel on for yourself and your community. 2) Your data will help better inform where transportation dollars are spent. 3) Whether you travel a little or a lot your travel represents what a lot of other residents do so your participation matters.
What would I have to do?
During a household travel survey, participants are asked to provide information regarding their: household, household members, and vehicles. Then they select a travel date for their household. On the travel date, each household member will provide travel diary information that includes all the locations they went on their travel date along with details of those stops.
A Survey that Serves your Community
Household Travel Surveys are different than other surveys. These surveys make real changes where you live. Your input will improve the lives of the people you care about AND you get *paid for that input!
*Incentives are being offered for this survey. Those incentives will be paid by the American Travel Survey's parent company, ETC Institute. To review the incentive policy disclaimer for this project click here.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently conducting household travel surveys in the El Paso, Rio Grande Valley, Grayson County, and Midland-Odessa regions of Texas.
TxDOT has contracted with ETC Institute and their household travel division known as the "American Travel Survey" to administer this survey.
The results will be used by TxDOT and local officials to plan future transportation improvements in the area.
Information provided will be used for research purposes and kept confidential, except as provided by the Public Information Act.